A toolkit for Generative AI, data protection and intellectual property in digital cultural heritage

This is a toolkit for Generative AI, data protection and intellectual property in digital cultural heritage. It has been initially developed by Dr Anna-Maria Sichani, as part of the TaNC-funded project ‘The Congruence Engine: Digital Tools for New Collections-Based Industrial Histories’.

toolkit image

The toolkit currently includes three core sections, ‘Definitions’, ‘Legal framework on AI’ and ‘Questions’ and is structured under “ℹ️ Points of Information” and ‘❓Questions’, in order to make these rather difficult and obscure topics more accessible and easy to follow. The pace of AI development continues and will continue to accelerate, and we expect that terminology, legislation and technology around this area will quickly evolve. This document should therefore be viewed as a snapshot in time.

Aim of this toolkit is to offer comprehensive and accessible accounts around ‘hot topics’ and developments and provide as much information as possible to back them up. Where possible, context relating to the origins and use of terms and examples or case studies is also provided.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to share interesting resources or questions you might have! This is very much a work-in-progress.


Citation: "A toolkit for Generative AI, data protection and intellectual property in digital cultural heritage", Anna-Maria Sichani, 2024, https://sas-dhrh.github.io/genai-cch-toolkit/

Content: CC BY-SA 2024 Anna-Maria Sichani - Source Code.

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